My Vacation to Mexico

What not to do on vacation in Mexico! No. 8 could send you to jail and ruin your karma!

What not to do on vacation in Mexico!

Just because you are on vacation, doesn’t meant the rules and laws of the country don’t apply. Avoid spending a night in jail by heeding these easy to remember tips for what not to do on vacation in Mexico. Remember, many of the laws related to misbehaving that apply at home are the same in Mexico.

  1. Don’t buy or consume drugs

    Mexico is not California or Denver! Drugs, even marijuana, are not legal.

  2. Don’t drink and drive

    Just like back home, police can randomly stop your for breath test.

  3. Don’t bribe a police officer

    Don’t trust what you see in the movies, bribing a police officer could see you in jail.

  4. Don’t swim in the ocean when there’s a red flag

    Follow the safety instructions on public beaches and no harm will come.

  5. Avoid drinking alcohol on the streets

    Strictly speaking, outwardly drinking alcohol in public is illegal, even the beach, although many tourist areas turn a blind eye.

  6. Don’t insult a Mexican’s Mother or the Virgin of Guadalupe

    Respect the traditions of this Catholic country and keep your vocabulary clean and honorable when talking about mothers and religious icons.

  7. Don’t go diving without a local guide

    This is especially true for cave diving (cenotes) in the Yucatan.

  8. Never eat turtle eggs

    Avoid supporting the black market for the eggs of this protected creature.

  9. Keep your clothes on

    Nude or topless sunbathing is prohibited. This tip extends to sex on the beach too.

  10. Avoid urinating in public

    Relieving yourself publicly could cost you more than a penny with a hefty fine in tourist areas.