My Vacation to Mexico

A Vacation to Mexico is Good for You!

vacation to mexico

Did you know that scheduling several vacations to sunny Mexico is good for you? USA and Canadian visitors who are looking for a great place with sunshine, but don’t want to spend hours on a plane, and want a place that is affordable know that a vacation to Mexico is an excellent idea. However, have you ever thought about how Mexico is good for the mind, body, and soul, besides being a great place to vacation?

Why a vacation to Mexico is good for you:

  • Boost Your Health

    In case you didn’t know, Vitamin D is needed to keep you healthy; it assists the body to absorb calcium properly, and calcium is needed to keep bones strong, teeth and gums healthy, increases the immune system, and lowers blood pressure. How does this have anything to do with a vacation to Mexico? Well, sunshine provides the body with natural and free limitless source of Vitamin D and there are plenty of top Mexico vacation destinations that boast more than 300 sunny days each year, such as Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, and Puerto Vallarta. If you lounge on the beach for a few days, then you will get the Vitamin D you need to improve your overall health. Simple!

  • Lower Stress Levels and Blood Pressure

    When you arrive on your vacation to Mexico, then you will naturally relax fully. This will give your mind and body a chance to unwind and destress, because you are not checking work emails, making and receiving calls, and all work demands are left at the office. When you are fully relaxed, then stress and anxiety go away, and the immune system is quickly built up. The desire for physical activity is increased when you vacation to Mexico, because there are so many fun activities to do. Volleyball, surfing, swimming, kayaking, and so much more can be enjoyed. You won’t really notice that you are being active, because the activities are so much fun to do.

  • Travel Provides Happiness

    “Going on a relaxing vacation will increase happiness many months before you go on vacation”, says the International Society for Quality of Life Studies. Why before the vacation begins? Those who are planning a vacation are so happy for the vacation to arrive that it raises the endorphins in your body, which makes you happy. It will surely put a smile on anyone’s face. Just a change from cold winter weather to sunny warm weather in Mexico will help to combat depression and SAD sufferers will benefit from a vacation to Mexico. SAD individuals will see an increase of serotonin, which is associated with winter months.

  • Skin will Improve on a Vacation to Mexico

    Vacationing at one of the cities on the beach in Mexico will improve your skin, because of the sunshine and warm, hot weather. The heat will aid your skin to perspire and release toxins while the balmy humid climates will moisturize and plump out your skin like a natural botox. Your skin’s appearance can improved within just two or three days in a balmy climate. It will glow, be smoother, and have a nice tan. Your skin will look so good that you won’t even need to wear any blush or makeup. However, You shouldn’t stay too long in the sun, because your skin may burn. While in the warm, hot weather make sure you stay dehydrated, because you will flush out all toxins that are in your body, which improves the skin too.