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Best Ways to Beat Jet lag

Best Ways to Beat Jet lag

Boarding an airplane and flying off to another country within a new time zone is exciting yet not as stress-free as you want it to be. Aside from the possible hassles that could add tensions into your flight, jet lag is one of the things travelers are anxious about. Once you are in your destination, dealing with insomnia and the overall effects of jet lag may hinder your enjoyment. You either spend most of your time sleeping or filling yourself up with caffeine.

Here are some of the best ways to minimize the effects of jet lag:

Prepare your body for jet lag

Adjust your body’s rhythm by gradually changing your sleeping time according to the timezone of your travel destination. If you are traveling to the east where time is earlier, you may set your bedtime an hour earlier several nights before your trip. On the other hand, stay up an hour later if your travel is westward. Remember to do it in gradual progression so your body is well prepared and you will see the results once you arrive in your destination. This suggestion is a wise thing to do if you are staying longer than two days in your new time zone.

Ways to Beat Jet lag

Expose yourself to the sunshine

You may be tempted to just stay cuddled up in your bed after your flight when suffering from jetlag. If you can get over this drowsiness and bathe yourself in more sunshine, you can reverse the effects of jet lag. If you have flown from west to east, early exposure to light is the key. If the sun is not yet up but you have risen up early, a bright light from a lamp is helpful. Once sunrise is about to begin, get out and take an early walk and let yourself be exposed to the sun. If your flight is from east to west, the afternoon sun is beneficial. Try to stay as late as possible until you get into your regular sleeping routine.

Essential oils

When you arrive and still find it hard to sleep use some natural and mild sedative like lavender oil. This essential oil is known to provide relaxing sleep and enable users to be more attentive the next day. You can get into your business meeting or vacation trip with more energy and alertness. Get the aromatherapy of lavender by putting some few drops on your pillow to seduce those eyes to slumber. Always carry a bottle of lavender oil whenever you travel away from home, it can also help tired feet.

Sleeping pills

It is the last resort to beating up jet lag. These prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pills can provide the rest that you need after your flight. Just make sure you don’t get overdosed and have asked the advice of your doctor before you purchase and bring these medicines.